Food, Health and Nutrition..

1:53 PM

I read an interesting article about food. It talks about our obsession with "Fat-free" food.
We all want to be fit and healthy but we keep forgetting that we need fats also.
I think changing the focus from healthy food to nutritional food is what we all need. Well, thats my perspective on food.

Understanding the basics is very important. Just because olive oil is healthy it does not mean that we should start cooking Indian food in olive oil. It is not meant for high temperatures that our Indian cooking is used to. 
Frankly,  I prefer cooking in little butter rather than using truckload of olive oil. I use butter every now and then - Sautéing my vegetables, as a spread on an occasional slice of bread, a bit with crackers.
Similarly I have seen a lot of people substituting sugar with honey. What they fail to understand is that honey is also sugar and excess sugar is well just as bad. It is loaded with nutrients and It is still high in calories and is a high energy food. Food not used for energy may be stored on the body as fat!

Some of my basic rules are:
1. Avoiding processed food
2. Avoiding sugar
3. Letting go every once in a while
4. Limiting alcohol to 1-2 glasses of wine per week
5. Post workout fuel - The most important meal of the day
6. Controlling portions
7. Dinner by 8 latest
8. Using butter instead of Margarine
Needless to say that I love experimenting with my butter and this weekend I finally made garlic butter for the week ahead.

Here's the process:

1. I used a little jar and cut salted butter (approx half stick) in tiny cubes and stuffed it inside the jar
2. I chopped a few garlic pods finely and stuffed them in the jar
3. I added some garlic powder (Totally optional but if added gives that extra strong garlic flavor) fresh rosemary, pepper and chili flakes
4. I closed the lid tightly. I keep this jar on the stovetop. It makes the garlic butter really soft and all the flavors mix well sitting there

How do you like your butter?


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  1. I love it plain. I like it flavoured too and garlic butter is yum! This is a great recipe. So thanks. But I can be bribed with a buttered toast and tea! :)
